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Maria Madalena Dullius

Personal information

  • HS Health Sciences
  • LS Life Sciences
  • MU Multidisciplinary
  • PS Physical Sciences
  • SH Social Sciences & Humanities
Name Links Major Area Area
Ana Maria Coulon GRISA Exact and Earth Sciences Chemistry
Andreia Aparecida Guimarães STROHSCHOEN Human Sciences Education
Carlos Ariel Samudio PÉREZ Exact and Earth Sciences Physics
Claus HAETINGER Exact and Earth Sciences Mathematics
Deise Miranda VIANNA Human Sciences Education
Eliane Angela VEIT Human Sciences Education
Eniz Conceição OLIVEIRA Human Sciences Education
Ieda Maria GIONGO Exact and Earth Sciences Mathematics
Isabel Cristina de Castro KONDARZEWSKI Exact and Earth Sciences Physics
Isabel Krey GARCIA Human Sciences Education
Italo Gabriel NEIDE Exact and Earth Sciences Physics
Jacqueline Silva da SILVA Human Sciences Education
Jane HERBER Exact and Earth Sciences Chemistry
João Batista Siqueira HARRES Human Sciences Education
José Claudio del PINO Human Sciences Education
Josué Antunes de MACÊDO Exact and Earth Sciences Mathematics
Marcelo Franco LEÃO Exact and Earth Sciences Chemistry
Marcia Borin da CUNHA Human Sciences Education
Márcia Jussara Hepp REHFELDT Exact and Earth Sciences Mathematics
Marco Aurélio Alvarenga MONTEIRO Human Sciences Education
Maria Claudete SCHORR Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Marli Teresinha QUARTIERI Exact and Earth Sciences Mathematics
Michel Corci BATISTA Exact and Earth Sciences Physics
Michelle Camara PIZZATO Human Sciences Education
Miriam Ines MARCHI Exact and Earth Sciences Chemistry
Patrícia Fernanda da SILVA Exact and Earth Sciences Mathematics
Rogério José SCHUCK Human Sciences Philosophy
Rosana Maria Luvezute KRIPKA Human Sciences Education
Sandra Cadore PEIXOTO Exact and Earth Sciences Chemistry
Silvana Neumann MARTINS Human Sciences Education