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Ig Ibert Bittencourt Santana Pinto

Personal information

  • HS Health Sciences
  • LS Life Sciences
  • MU Multidisciplinary
  • PS Physical Sciences
  • SH Social Sciences & Humanities
Name Links Major Area Area
Alan Pedro da SILVA Not Informed Not Informed
Alessandro Carvalho BICA Human Sciences Education
Alex Sandro GOMES Human Sciences Education
André Luís Alice RAABE Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Angelina Nunes de VASCONCELOS Human Sciences Psychology
Aydano Pamponet MACHADO Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Bernardo Pereira NUNES Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Carla Lopes RODRIGUEZ Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Carlos dos Santos PORTELA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Cristian CECHINEL Human Sciences Education
Danielli Araújo LIMA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Edilson FERNEDA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Edson Pinheiro PIMENTEL Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Eduardo Calil de OLIVEIRA Human Sciences Psychology
Elaine Harada Teixeira de OLIVEIRA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Ellen Francine BARBOSA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Evandro de Barros COSTA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Fernando Silvio Cavalcante PIMENTEL Human Sciences Education
Frederico Luiz Gonçalves de FREITAS Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Geiser Chalco CHALLCO Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Hércules Antonio do PRADO Applied Social Sciences Information Science
Hyggo Oliveira de ALMEIDA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Ibsen Mateus Bittencourt Santana PINTO Applied Social Sciences Administration
Isabela GASPARINI Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Ismar Frango SILVEIRA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Jose Carlos MALDONADO Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Juliana Cristina BRAGA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Leogildo Alves FREIRES Human Sciences Psychology
Leonardo Brandão MARQUES Human Sciences Psychology
Leônidas de Oliveira BRANDÃO Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Marcelo Soares PIMENTA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Marcos Emanoel PEREIRA Human Sciences Psychology
Maria Augusta Silveira Netto NUNES Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Maria Cecília Calani BARANAUSKAS Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Maria Elizabeth Sucupira FURTADO Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Nassim Chamel ELIAS Human Sciences Psychology
Patrícia Augustin Jaques MAILLARD CpE Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Patrick Henrique da Silva BRITO Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Rafael Ferreira Leite de MELLO Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Rafaela Vilela da ROCHA Human Sciences Education
Ranilson Oscar Araújo PAIVA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Sean Wolfgand Matsui SIQUEIRA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Seiji ISOTANI CpE Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science