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Leandro Fernandes Malloy Diniz

Personal information

  • HS Health Sciences
  • LS Life Sciences
  • MU Multidisciplinary
  • PS Physical Sciences
  • SH Social Sciences & Humanities
Name Links Major Area Area
Alessandro Teodoro BRUZI Health Sciences Physical Education
Alexandre Luiz de Oliveira SERPA Human Sciences Psychology
Alysson Massote CARVALHO Human Sciences Psychology
Amer Cavalheiro HAMDAN Human Sciences Psychology
Andrea de Abreu Feijó de MELLO Health Sciences Medicine
Antonio Egidio NARDI Health Sciences Medicine
Antonio Lucio Teixeira JUNIOR Health Sciences Medicine
Arthur Melo e KUMMER Health Sciences Medicine
Breno Sanvicente VIEIRA Human Sciences Psychology
Bruno Rezende de SOUZA Biological Sciences Pharmacology
Carla Alexandra da Silva Moita MINERVINO CpE Human Sciences Psychology
Caroline de Oliveira CARDOSO CpE Human Sciences Psychology
Cássio da Cunha IBIAPINA Health Sciences Medicine
Christian Haag KRISTENSEN Human Sciences Psychology
Clarice GORENSTEIN Biological Sciences Pharmacology
Claudia Cardoso MARTINS CpE Human Sciences Psychology
Daniel Fuentes MOREIRA Health Sciences Medicine
Danielle de Souza COSTA Human Sciences Psychology
Débora Marques de MIRANDA Health Sciences Medicine
Edgar Nunes de MORAES Health Sciences Medicine
Eduardo Araújo de OLIVEIRA Health Sciences Medicine
Elizabeth do NASCIMENTO Human Sciences Psychology
Emerson FRANCHINI Health Sciences Physical Education
Emmy Uehara PIRES Human Sciences Psychology
Erico de Castro COSTA Health Sciences Medicine
Euripedes Constantino Miguel FILHO Health Sciences Medicine
Fábio Lopes ROCHA Health Sciences Medicine
Fernanda de Oliveira FERREIRA Exact and Earth Sciences Probability and Statistics
Flávia Heloísa dos SANTOS Human Sciences Psychology
Geraldo Busatto FILHO Health Sciences Medicine
Guilherme Menezes LAGE Health Sciences Physical Education
Gustavo GAUER Human Sciences Psychology
Herbert UGRINOWITSCH Health Sciences Physical Education
Hermano TAVARES Health Sciences Medicine
Humberto Corrêa da Silva FILHO Health Sciences Medicine
Ingrid Faria Gianordoli NASCIMENTO Human Sciences Psychology
Israel Teoldo da COSTA Health Sciences Physical Education
Izabela Guimarães BARBOSA Health Sciences Medicine
Jerusa Fumagalli de SALLES CpE Human Sciences Psychology
Jesus Landeira FERNANDEZ CpE Human Sciences Psychology
João Luciano de QUEVEDO Health Sciences Medicine
Joao Vinicius SALGADO Biological Sciences Pharmacology
Jonas Jardim de PAULA Health Sciences Medicine