Plataforma CpE

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Marisete Peralta Safons

Dados pessoais

  • HS Health Sciences
  • LS Life Sciences
  • MU Multidisciplinary
  • PS Physical Sciences
  • SH Social Sciences & Humanities
Nome Links Grande Área Área
Alessandro Hervaldo Nicolai RÉ Ciências da Saúde Saúde Coletiva
Alexandre Carriconde MARQUES Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Alexandre Luiz Gonçalves de REZENDE Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Andréa Kruger GONÇALVES Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Denise Maria Martins VANCEA Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Einstein Francisco de CAMARGOS Ciências da Saúde Medicina
Elaine Rabelo NEIVA Ciências Humanas Psicologia
Fernando COPETTI Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Lucy de Oliveira GOMES Ciências da Saúde Medicina
Marcelo Cozzensa da SILVA Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Maria Elisa Caputo FERREIRA Ciências Humanas Psicologia
Maria Teresa CATTUZZO Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Mariangela da Rosa AFONSO Ciências Humanas História
Martim Francisco Bottaro MARQUES Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Otávio de Toledo NÓBREGA Ciências Biológicas Genética
Paulo José Barbosa Gutierres FILHO Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Ramón Fabian Alonso LÓPEZ Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Ricardo Jaco de OLIVEIRA Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Rita de Cássia da Silva OLIVEIRA Ciências Humanas Educação
Ruth Ferreira GALDURÓZ Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Tânia Rosane Bertoldo BENEDETTI Ciências da Saúde Educação Física
Figura 1. Número de publicações por ano e por tipo, considerando todas as publicações.
Figura 1. ASJC mais frequente por ano.
Tabela 1. Frequência de ASJC (código, nome e grupo) por ano.
Código Nome Grupo Ano Frequência
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2024 3
3300 General Social Sciences Social Sciences & Humanities 2023 1
2717 Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Sciences 2023 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2023 1
2739 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health Health Sciences 2023 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2022 5
2717 Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Sciences 2022 1
1207 History and Philosophy of Science Social Sciences & Humanities 2022 1
2739 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health Health Sciences 2022 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2021 5
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2021 2
3200 General Psychology Social Sciences & Humanities 2021 1
2717 Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Sciences 2021 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2020 4
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2020 1
3612 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation Health Sciences 2020 1
2739 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health Health Sciences 2020 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2019 3
3304 Education Social Sciences & Humanities 2019 1
2717 Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Sciences 2019 1
2801 Neuroscience (miscellaneous) Life Sciences 2019 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2018 3
2732 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Health Sciences 2018 2
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2018 1
2800 General Neuroscience Life Sciences 2018 1
2717 Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Sciences 2018 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2017 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2016 3
2712 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Health Sciences 2016 1
2801 Neuroscience (miscellaneous) Life Sciences 2016 1
2700 General Medicine Health Sciences 2015 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2015 1
2717 Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Sciences 2014 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2014 1
2717 Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Sciences 2013 1
2732 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Health Sciences 2013 1
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2012 3
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2012 3
2800 General Neuroscience Life Sciences 2012 1
2900 General Nursing Health Sciences 2012 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2011 8
2717 Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Sciences 2011 3
2700 General Medicine Health Sciences 2011 2
3304 Education Social Sciences & Humanities 2011 1
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2010 6
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2010 3
2900 General Nursing Health Sciences 2010 2
3204 Developmental and Educational Psychology Social Sciences & Humanities 2010 1
2712 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Health Sciences 2010 1
3200 General Psychology Social Sciences & Humanities 2010 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2009 5
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2009 1
2705 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine Health Sciences 2009 1
2900 General Nursing Health Sciences 2009 1
3200 General Psychology Social Sciences & Humanities 2009 1
2717 Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Sciences 2009 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2008 5
2700 General Medicine Health Sciences 2008 3
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2008 2
2900 General Nursing Health Sciences 2008 2
2717 Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Sciences 2008 2
2738 Psychiatry and Mental Health Health Sciences 2008 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2007 7
2300 General Environmental Science Physical Sciences 2007 1
2700 General Medicine Health Sciences 2007 1
2717 Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Sciences 2007 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2006 2
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2006 1
3304 Education Social Sciences & Humanities 2006 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2005 2
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2004 2
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2004 1
2700 General Medicine Health Sciences 2004 1
1000 Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinar 2004 1
3300 General Social Sciences Social Sciences & Humanities 2003 2
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2003 1
2700 General Medicine Health Sciences 2002 2
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2002 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2002 1
1000 Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinar 2002 1
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2001 3
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2001 2
2700 General Medicine Health Sciences 2001 1
2732 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Health Sciences 2001 1
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2000 1
3200 General Psychology Social Sciences & Humanities 2000 1
2717 Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Sciences 2000 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 2000 1
2909 Gerontology Health Sciences 1999 1
  1. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  2. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  3. Health Sciences Gerontology
  4. Health Sciences Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
  5. Health Sciences Gerontology
  6. Life Sciences Neuroscience (miscellaneous)
  7. Health Sciences Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
  8. Health Sciences Gerontology
  9. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  10. Health Sciences General Nursing
  11. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  12. Health Sciences Gerontology
  13. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  14. Life Sciences General Neuroscience
  15. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  16. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  17. Health Sciences Gerontology
  18. Health Sciences Gerontology
  19. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  20. Health Sciences General Medicine
  21. Health Sciences Gerontology
  22. Health Sciences Gerontology
  23. Health Sciences General Nursing
  24. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  25. Health Sciences Gerontology
  26. Social Sciences & Humanities General Psychology
  27. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  28. Health Sciences Gerontology
  29. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  30. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  31. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  32. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  33. Health Sciences Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
  34. Health Sciences Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
  35. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  36. Health Sciences Gerontology
  37. Health Sciences Gerontology
  38. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  39. Health Sciences General Medicine
  40. Health Sciences Gerontology
  41. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  42. Health Sciences Gerontology
  43. Health Sciences Gerontology
  44. Health Sciences Gerontology
  45. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  46. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  47. Health Sciences General Medicine
  48. Health Sciences Gerontology
  49. Health Sciences Gerontology
  50. Health Sciences General Medicine
  51. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  52. Health Sciences Gerontology
  53. Health Sciences Gerontology
  54. Health Sciences Gerontology
  55. Health Sciences Gerontology
  56. Health Sciences Gerontology
  57. Health Sciences Gerontology
  58. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  59. Health Sciences General Medicine
  60. Health Sciences Gerontology
  61. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  62. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  63. Health Sciences General Medicine
  64. Multidisciplinar Multidisciplinary
  65. Health Sciences Gerontology
  66. Health Sciences General Medicine
  67. Health Sciences Gerontology
  68. Health Sciences Gerontology
  69. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  70. Health Sciences Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
  71. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  72. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  73. Health Sciences General Medicine
  74. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  1. Health Sciences Gerontology
  2. Health Sciences Gerontology
  3. Health Sciences Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  4. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  5. Health Sciences Gerontology
  6. Health Sciences Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  7. Health Sciences Gerontology
  8. Health Sciences Gerontology
  9. Health Sciences Gerontology
  10. Health Sciences Gerontology
  11. Health Sciences Gerontology
  12. Health Sciences Gerontology
  13. Health Sciences Gerontology
  14. Social Sciences & Humanities General Psychology
  15. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  16. Health Sciences Gerontology
  17. Health Sciences Gerontology
  18. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  19. Health Sciences Gerontology
  20. Health Sciences Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  21. Health Sciences Gerontology
  22. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  23. Health Sciences Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
  24. Health Sciences Gerontology
  25. Health Sciences Gerontology
  26. Health Sciences Gerontology
  27. Health Sciences Gerontology
  28. Life Sciences Neuroscience (miscellaneous)
  29. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  30. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  31. Health Sciences Gerontology
  32. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  33. Health Sciences Gerontology
  34. Life Sciences General Neuroscience
  35. Health Sciences Gerontology
  36. Health Sciences Gerontology
  37. Health Sciences Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
  38. Health Sciences Gerontology
  39. Health Sciences Gerontology
  40. Health Sciences General Medicine
  41. Health Sciences Gerontology
  42. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  43. Health Sciences Gerontology
  44. Health Sciences Geriatrics and Gerontology
  45. Health Sciences Gerontology
  46. Health Sciences General Medicine
  47. Health Sciences Gerontology
  48. Health Sciences Gerontology
  49. Social Sciences & Humanities Developmental and Educational Psychology
  50. Health Sciences General Nursing
  51. Health Sciences Gerontology
  52. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  53. Health Sciences Gerontology
  54. Health Sciences Gerontology
  55. Social Sciences & Humanities General Psychology
  56. Health Sciences Gerontology
  57. Health Sciences General Nursing
  58. Health Sciences General Nursing
  59. Health Sciences Gerontology
  60. Health Sciences General Medicine
  61. Health Sciences Psychiatry and Mental Health
  62. Physical Sciences General Environmental Science
  63. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  64. Health Sciences Gerontology
  65. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  66. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  67. Health Sciences Gerontology
  68. Social Sciences & Humanities General Psychology
  69. Health Sciences Gerontology
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  2. Health Sciences Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
  3. Health Sciences Gerontology
  4. Health Sciences Gerontology
  5. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  6. Health Sciences Gerontology
  7. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  8. Health Sciences Gerontology
  9. Multidisciplinar Multidisciplinary
  1. Health Sciences Gerontology
  2. Health Sciences Gerontology
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  4. Social Sciences & Humanities History and Philosophy of Science
  5. Health Sciences General Nursing
  6. Health Sciences Gerontology
  7. Health Sciences Gerontology