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Marta Costa Rosatelli

Personal information

  • HS Health Sciences
  • LS Life Sciences
  • MU Multidisciplinary
  • PS Physical Sciences
  • SH Social Sciences & Humanities
Name Links Major Area Area
Cesar Augusto Amaral NUNES Human Sciences Education
Fernando Alvaro Ostuni GAUTHIER Engineering Production Engineering
Leandro Nunes de Castro SILVA Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Patricia Cabral de Azevedo Restelli TEDESCO Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Raul Sidnei WAZLAWICK Exact and Earth Sciences Computer Science
Vera Rejane Niedersberg SCHUHMACHER Human Sciences Education
Wilson Vicente RUGGIERO Engineering Electrical Engineering
Figure 1. Number of publications per year and by type, considering all publications.
Figure 1. ASJC most frequent per year.
Table 1. Frequency of ASJC (code, name and group) per year.
Code Name Group Year Frequency
3304 Education Social Sciences & Humanities 2010 1
3304 Education Social Sciences & Humanities 2008 1
1700 General Computer Science Physical Sciences 2008 1
1700 General Computer Science Physical Sciences 2007 2
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2007 1
1702 Artificial Intelligence Physical Sciences 2007 1
1700 General Computer Science Physical Sciences 2006 7
1700 General Computer Science Physical Sciences 2005 5
1702 Artificial Intelligence Physical Sciences 2005 1
1706 Computer Science Applications Physical Sciences 2005 1
3304 Education Social Sciences & Humanities 2005 1
1712 Software Physical Sciences 2005 1
1700 General Computer Science Physical Sciences 2004 8
3304 Education Social Sciences & Humanities 2004 2
1702 Artificial Intelligence Physical Sciences 2004 1
1701 Computer Science (miscellaneous) Physical Sciences 2004 1
1700 General Computer Science Physical Sciences 2003 4
1702 Artificial Intelligence Physical Sciences 2003 1
1000 Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinar 2003 1
1701 Computer Science (miscellaneous) Physical Sciences 2002 2
1700 General Computer Science Physical Sciences 2002 2
3304 Education Social Sciences & Humanities 2002 1
1700 General Computer Science Physical Sciences 2001 2
1000 Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinar 2001 1
1702 Artificial Intelligence Physical Sciences 2000 1
3304 Education Social Sciences & Humanities 2000 1
1700 General Computer Science Physical Sciences 2000 1
2200 General Engineering Physical Sciences 2000 1
1000 Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinar 2000 1
1700 General Computer Science Physical Sciences 1999 2
2209 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Physical Sciences 1999 1
3304 Education Social Sciences & Humanities 1998 1
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 1996 1
1701 Computer Science (miscellaneous) Physical Sciences 1996 1
2209 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Physical Sciences 1996 1
1400 General Business, Management and Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 1990 1
  1. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  2. Physical Sciences Artificial Intelligence
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  4. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  5. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  6. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  7. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  8. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  9. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  10. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  11. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  12. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  13. Physical Sciences Artificial Intelligence
  14. Physical Sciences Computer Science Applications
  15. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  16. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  17. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  18. Physical Sciences Software
  19. Physical Sciences Artificial Intelligence
  20. Physical Sciences Computer Science (miscellaneous)
  21. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  22. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  23. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  24. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  25. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  26. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  27. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  28. Physical Sciences Artificial Intelligence
  29. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  30. Physical Sciences Computer Science (miscellaneous)
  31. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  32. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  33. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  34. Multidisciplinar Multidisciplinary
  35. Physical Sciences General Engineering
  36. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  37. Physical Sciences Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
  38. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  39. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  40. Physical Sciences Computer Science (miscellaneous)
  41. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  42. Physical Sciences Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
  43. Social Sciences & Humanities General Business, Management and Accounting
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  2. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  3. Physical Sciences Computer Science (miscellaneous)
  4. Multidisciplinar Multidisciplinary
  5. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  2. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  3. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  4. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  5. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  6. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  7. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  8. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  9. Multidisciplinar Multidisciplinary
  10. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  11. Physical Sciences Artificial Intelligence
  12. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  1. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  2. Physical Sciences General Computer Science