Plataforma CpE

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Mariah Brochado Ferreira

Dados pessoais

  • HS Health Sciences
  • LS Life Sciences
  • MU Multidisciplinary
  • PS Physical Sciences
  • SH Social Sciences & Humanities
Nome Links Grande Área Área
Adla Betsaida Martins TEIXEIRA Ciências Humanas Educação
Fabrício Bertini Pasquot POLIDO Ciências Sociais Aplicadas Direito
Patricia Borba Vilar GUIMARÃES Ciências Sociais Aplicadas Direito
Figura 1. Número de publicações por ano e por tipo, considerando todas as publicações.
Figura 1. ASJC mais frequente por ano.
Tabela 1. Frequência de ASJC (código, nome e grupo) por ano.
Código Nome Grupo Ano Frequência
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2024 10
1211 Philosophy Social Sciences & Humanities 2024 2
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2024 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2023 4
1702 Artificial Intelligence Physical Sciences 2023 1
1700 General Computer Science Physical Sciences 2023 1
1211 Philosophy Social Sciences & Humanities 2023 1
1211 Philosophy Social Sciences & Humanities 2022 4
3318 Gender Studies Social Sciences & Humanities 2022 1
1200 General Arts and Humanities Social Sciences & Humanities 2022 1
3306 Health (social science) Social Sciences & Humanities 2022 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2021 5
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2021 2
3300 General Social Sciences Social Sciences & Humanities 2021 1
3312 Sociology and Political Science Social Sciences & Humanities 2021 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2020 3
3312 Sociology and Political Science Social Sciences & Humanities 2020 2
1211 Philosophy Social Sciences & Humanities 2020 1
3320 Political Science and International Relations Social Sciences & Humanities 2020 1
3321 Public Administration Social Sciences & Humanities 2020 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2019 1
3300 General Social Sciences Social Sciences & Humanities 2018 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2018 1
1200 General Arts and Humanities Social Sciences & Humanities 2016 1
1211 Philosophy Social Sciences & Humanities 2016 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2015 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2014 3
2719 Health Policy Health Sciences 2014 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2013 1
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2012 2
1211 Philosophy Social Sciences & Humanities 2012 2
1200 General Arts and Humanities Social Sciences & Humanities 2012 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2012 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2011 2
1211 Philosophy Social Sciences & Humanities 2011 2
1200 General Arts and Humanities Social Sciences & Humanities 2011 1
3300 General Social Sciences Social Sciences & Humanities 2010 2
1211 Philosophy Social Sciences & Humanities 2010 2
3312 Sociology and Political Science Social Sciences & Humanities 2010 1
3300 General Social Sciences Social Sciences & Humanities 2009 2
1211 Philosophy Social Sciences & Humanities 2009 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2008 2
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2007 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2006 1
3301 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) Social Sciences & Humanities 2006 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2005 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2004 1
1211 Philosophy Social Sciences & Humanities 2000 1
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  2. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  4. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  5. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  6. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  2. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  4. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  5. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  6. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  7. Physical Sciences General Computer Science
  8. Physical Sciences Artificial Intelligence
  9. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  10. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  11. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  12. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  13. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  14. Social Sciences & Humanities Public Administration
  15. Social Sciences & Humanities General Arts and Humanities
  16. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  17. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  18. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  19. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  20. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  21. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  22. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  23. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  24. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  25. Social Sciences & Humanities Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  26. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  27. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  2. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  4. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  5. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  6. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  7. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  8. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  9. Social Sciences & Humanities Health (social science)
  10. Social Sciences & Humanities Gender Studies
  11. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  12. Social Sciences & Humanities General Arts and Humanities
  13. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  14. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  15. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  16. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  17. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  18. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  19. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  20. Social Sciences & Humanities Political Science and International Relations
  21. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  22. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  23. Health Sciences Health Policy
  24. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  25. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  26. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  27. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  28. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  29. Social Sciences & Humanities General Arts and Humanities
  30. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  31. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  32. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  33. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  2. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  4. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  5. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  6. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  7. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  8. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  9. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  10. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  11. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  12. Social Sciences & Humanities General Arts and Humanities
  13. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy
  14. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  15. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  16. Social Sciences & Humanities Philosophy