Plataforma CpE

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Aline Ouriques Freire Fernandes

Dados pessoais

  • HS Health Sciences
  • LS Life Sciences
  • MU Multidisciplinary
  • PS Physical Sciences
  • SH Social Sciences & Humanities
Nome Links Grande Área Área
Edmundo Alves de OLIVEIRA Ciências Humanas Ciência Política
José Querino Tavares NETO Ciências Sociais Aplicadas Direito
Lucas de Souza LEHFELD Ciências Sociais Aplicadas Direito
Ricardo Augusto Bonotto BARBOZA Ciências Sociais Aplicadas Economia
Figura 1. Número de publicações por ano e por tipo, considerando todas as publicações.
Figura 1. ASJC mais frequente por ano.
Tabela 1. Frequência de ASJC (código, nome e grupo) por ano.
Código Nome Grupo Ano Frequência
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2023 2
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2022 6
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2022 1
2900 General Nursing Health Sciences 2022 1
3312 Sociology and Political Science Social Sciences & Humanities 2022 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2021 6
3318 Gender Studies Social Sciences & Humanities 2021 1
2300 General Environmental Science Physical Sciences 2021 1
3300 General Social Sciences Social Sciences & Humanities 2021 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2020 4
3300 General Social Sciences Social Sciences & Humanities 2020 1
3201 Psychology (miscellaneous) Social Sciences & Humanities 2020 1
2739 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health Health Sciences 2020 1
3312 Sociology and Political Science Social Sciences & Humanities 2020 1
3312 Sociology and Political Science Social Sciences & Humanities 2019 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2014 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2013 1
3304 Education Social Sciences & Humanities 2012 1
3300 General Social Sciences Social Sciences & Humanities 2012 1
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2012 1
1402 Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2010 2
3308 Law Social Sciences & Humanities 2010 1
3201 Psychology (miscellaneous) Social Sciences & Humanities 2010 1
3301 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) Social Sciences & Humanities 2010 1
3312 Sociology and Political Science Social Sciences & Humanities 2010 1
3301 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) Social Sciences & Humanities 2009 2
3312 Sociology and Political Science Social Sciences & Humanities 2009 2
1400 General Business, Management and Accounting Social Sciences & Humanities 2009 1
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  2. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  4. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  5. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  6. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  7. Health Sciences General Nursing
  8. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  9. Social Sciences & Humanities Psychology (miscellaneous)
  10. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  11. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  12. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  13. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  14. Health Sciences Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  15. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  16. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  17. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  18. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  19. Social Sciences & Humanities Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  20. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  2. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  4. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  5. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  6. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  7. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  8. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  9. Social Sciences & Humanities Psychology (miscellaneous)
  10. Social Sciences & Humanities Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  11. Social Sciences & Humanities Accounting
  12. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  13. Social Sciences & Humanities Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  14. Social Sciences & Humanities General Business, Management and Accounting
    Não foram identificados no Currículo Lattes capítulos de livros publicados.
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  2. Physical Sciences General Environmental Science
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities Gender Studies
  4. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  5. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  6. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  7. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  8. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  9. Social Sciences & Humanities Law
  10. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  11. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science