Plataforma CpE

Busque por temas e encontre especialistas

Elisa De Campos Borges

Dados pessoais

  • HS Health Sciences
  • LS Life Sciences
  • MU Multidisciplinary
  • PS Physical Sciences
  • SH Social Sciences & Humanities
# Nome Links Grande Área Área
1 Wellington De OLIVEIRA Ciências Humanas Educação
Figura 1. Número de publicações por ano e por tipo, considerando todas as publicações.
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  2. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  4. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  5. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  6. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  7. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  8. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  9. Social Sciences & Humanities History
  10. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  11. Social Sciences & Humanities Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  12. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  13. Social Sciences & Humanities Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  14. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  15. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  16. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  17. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  18. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  19. Social Sciences & Humanities History
  20. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  21. Social Sciences & Humanities History
  22. Social Sciences & Humanities History
  23. Social Sciences & Humanities Education
  24. Social Sciences & Humanities History
  25. Social Sciences & Humanities History
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  2. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities Visual Arts and Performing Arts
  4. Social Sciences & Humanities Psychology (miscellaneous)
  5. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  6. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  7. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  8. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  9. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  10. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  2. Social Sciences & Humanities History
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities Sociology and Political Science
  4. Social Sciences & Humanities Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)
  5. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  6. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  7. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  8. Social Sciences & Humanities Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)
  9. Social Sciences & Humanities History
  1. Social Sciences & Humanities History
  2. Social Sciences & Humanities General Social Sciences
  3. Social Sciences & Humanities Education